Thursday, March 27, 2014

Poem Response 9

Bassestti Marcantonio "Portrait of an old man with a book"
 paintings of Portrait of an Old Man with Book by
Yesterday by W. S. Merwin
My friend says I was not a good son
you understand
I say yes I understand

he says I did not go
to see my parents very often you know
and I say yes I know

even when I was living in the same city he says
maybe I would go there once
a month or maybe even less
I say oh yes

he says the last time I went to see my father
I say the last time I saw my father

he says the last time I saw my father
he was asking me about my life
how I was making out and he
went into the next room
to get something to give me

oh I say
feeling again the cold
of my father's hand the last time

he says and my father turned
in the doorway and saw me
look at my wristwatch and he
said you know I would like you to stay
and talk with me

oh yes I say

but if you are busy he said
I don't want you to feel that you
have to
just because I'm here

I say nothing

he says my father
said maybe
you have important work you are doing
or maybe you should be seeing
somebody I don't want to keep you

I look out the window
my friend is older than I am
he says and I told my father it was so
and I got up and left him then
you know

though there was nowhere I had to go
and nothing I had to do 
 This poem had to be read more than once. It gets to be confusing whether the speaker is talking or the "friend". I believe this is the point. It seems that the speaker has already lost their father, as seen in stanza six "oh I say feeling again the cold of my father's hand the last time". Perhaps the speaker is being reminded of their own father by listening to their friend's experience involving their own father. 
 The tone of the poem is conversational. It as if the speaker is relating word for word a previous conversation the reader was not present for, while also adding in the thoughts they had during the time. For this reason the poem is very interesting, because it is like getting inside the speakers head and knowing what someone is really thinking about during a conversation.
 The structure of the poem adds to it being difficult to read. The brain automatically wants to add punctuation when someone is talking, however there is no punctuation in the poem. The stanza breaks also don't seem very organized, I suppose a real conversation wouldn't be either. 
I didn't like the theme of the poem, but its overall effect of "regret" was strong.  

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