Thursday, March 27, 2014


Victor Vignon "Untitled",+A+Path_in_a_Pastoral_Landscape,+French+1593-1670+.jpg


By: Lauren Laguna

Beyond me fall the shadows of long forgotten things, cast by the searchlight burning my back with wanting, so much wanting directed on my head. Want to know, pick, peel, chew. Want the information kept from you. No. Do not ask. Questions will not meet answers, will only spread the black shapes, speed them further ahead— Stop! No more wanting. No more answers to be had. Throw away your searchlight. Get it off my head. Can’t you see what you’re doing placing the dark ahead, putting shadows in my future instead of letting them remain dead? You have the searchlight, but now I have one too. I choose to flip the switch, flood the room, turn on you, obliterate any shadow— Black, to grey, to white.
Beyond me falls the light.

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