Monday, February 17, 2014


 Leonardo Da Vinci "Mona Lisa"


She is always proper,
A dress will only grace her skin when she’s in the mood.
She doesn’t wear makeup,
Her eyelashes are so long mascara makes them look fake.
She likes ice cream,
Lavender, honey is the strangest flavor she’s heard of, therefore it’s her favorite.
She doesn’t mind dirt.
How else could she coax fresh vegetables from the soil?
She listens to music,
Don’t be fooled, she likes the sound of your voice better.
She smiles for nothing and everything,
She says slow, luxurious smiles make the world roll.
She doesn’t own a brush,
For her there’s no point in taming something not meant to be tamed.
She loves learning,
Ideas float like clouds in her head, but she still has all the time in the world.
She writes books,
They may never end, but they breath the same air she does.
She coos at babies,
Whether or not she will bare children is a secret even to her.
She dreams at night,
Smiling in your sleep is lucky, she wishes she knew if she had.
She weeps.
Her worries are kept inside, so she can trouble herself with yours.
She looks your way.

You can’t help but to wave, smile, hope she comes near.

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